How to repair damaged skin barrier?


If you're trying to repair your skin barrier and you're feeling like you have no idea where to start, this is the article for you. In this post we'll go over the different causes of a damaged skin barrier and what they mean. We'll also discuss common signs that your skin barrier has been compromised so that when it happens again in the future you won't be as confused or scared by how your face feels.

What is a damaged skin barrier?

The skin barrier is the outermost layer of your skin. It’s made up of a group of cells called the stratum corneum, which are responsible for protecting your body from the environment. They also keep moisture in and help to maintain pH levels on your surface. A damaged skin barrier can lead to dryness and irritation, which can cause red patches around lips or eyes (known as styes).

Common causes of broken skin barrier

  • Detergents.
  • Soaps.
  • Shampoos and conditioners that strip the skin of its natural oils and barrier function, such as sulfates or parabens (chemical preservatives).
  • Anything that burns the skin, such as waxing your eyebrows—especially if you use hot tools on them instead of a gentle hand massage like with an applicator brush or headband! Also avoid using products containing harsh chemicals like lye or acids if you have sensitive skin (this includes hair coloring kits).

Common symptoms of skin barrier damage

  • Dryness: The skin is often dry, rough and itchy. It may also feel tight or painful to the touch. This can be a sign that your skin barrier has been damaged.
  • Itching: The area where you itch most often will be red, swollen and tender with small amounts of clear fluid oozing from it when touched gently on the surface of your skin near the itch. You should see a doctor if this happens regularly without any other symptoms being present in addition to this symptom being present before seeing a doctor as there could be other underlying conditions causing these symptoms such as eczema or psoriasis which require immediate treatment by a qualified healthcare professional so they don't worsen over time because they're not treated properly now!

How to treat a compromised skin barrier

If you want to restore your skin's barrier function, it's important to use a cleanser that is gentle and not too drying. Avoid using harsh scrubs or exfoliants because they can damage the epidermis and cause inflammation. Instead, you should use a cleanser with low pH levels (less than 5). This will help prevent irritation by decreasing the pH of your face wash so that it doesn't strip away natural oils from the top layer of your epidermis. If possible, look for products containing glycerin or aloe vera extract as these may also reduce redness while improving hydration levels.

If you have dry skin then consider adding hyaluronic acid into the mix by mixing one teaspoon with 8 oz water before washing off with lukewarm water at night before bedtime each day but only if this seems necessary as too much moisture could cause breakouts instead! The same goes if someone suffers from acne - try adding witch hazel onto their face twice daily instead of just once per day; this will help regulate oil production while preventing clogged pores which may lead them occurring again later down the line.

A damaged skin barrier can be repaired, but you need to understand what caused it.

A damaged skin barrier can be repaired, but you need to understand what caused it. The underlying cause of your skin’s barrier damage may be related to your diet or lifestyle choices, or it could be purely genetic. If you are having trouble repairing the damage and feel like there is something wrong with how you cleanse or wash your face, it may be time for a professional evaluation by a dermatologist who specializes in acne treatments.

Here are some common causes of damaged skin barriers:

  • Smoking – Smoking cigarettes has been shown to increase sebum production within the pores (a natural oil) and increase oil production on top of those sebum layers which leads directly into clogged pores over time.
  •  Alcohol consumption - Alcohol can cause dehydration which leads directly into dryness/dehydrated conditions within our epidermis cells making them unable to hold moisture inside their walls; this also makes them more susceptible for bacteria growth!


If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, you should seek help from a dermatologist. They can diagnose and treat your skin barrier issues. The best way to repair a damaged skin barrier is with a protective moisturizer that contains ingredients like ceramides, hyaluronic acid and vitamin E. In addition to providing essential nutrients for healthy skin, these products will also form an invisible layer between your skin's surface layers and the environment so dirt doesn't get inside (and cause future problems).

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